
As a young teenager, the exhilaration of painting trains was incomparable. This artistic venture spanned the ages of 13 to 16, presenting a series of challenges long before reaching the train yard. Acquiring paint was the first hurdle; spray paint wasn't bought but rather 'racked' or stolen from various outlets like Martin's Paint to Pearl Paints in Manhattan.

The need for different caps to apply the paint quickly added another layer of complexity, with 'Fat Caps' usually pilfered from an oven cleaner named Jiffy Foam or from a can of Niagra spray starch. Time was critical, as it aimed to minimize the risk of encountering the Vandal Squad.

Upon reaching the train yard, you and your friends embarked on the task of bringing the planned theme to life on the train. This could range from a quick 'throw up' (a rapid way to showcase your name) to an elaborate masterpiece featuring themes and characters. Occasionally, encounters with kids from different groups or crews around the city added to the excitement. Completing the artwork, taking pictures, and anticipating your name rolling across the city for peers to see was immensely satisfying.

Another pastime involved 'benching'—observing trains adorned with your work and that of your peers as they traversed the city in the days or weeks that followed. In this subculture, it was a way to attain a fleeting moment of fame, your five minutes of recognition in the urban landscape.

* NOTE most of these shots are from Henry Chalfant "Style Wars" Subway Art". The Low resolution whole train (John Boy)? with the MPC on top and the 1979 Colt -Slip with Black MPC Cloud lightning bolt is from Martha Coopers latest book "Spray Nation". I think I did that whole train when Colt did the Planets train because of the semi matching sky background and matching colors used.Hoping to get the hi res shots in the future. If someone has the Colt- Slip before it was crossed out on the Elevated Track or any other trains please contact I will compansate.Thank You.

Graffiti Letters

Graffiti writing places significant emphasis on letters, with the journey from a simple tag to elaborate letter structures marking a substantial transformation.As a 13 year old I adopted the pseudonym "Slip," drawing inspiration from the Bowery Boys series.

Today's graffiti and street art showcase a remarkable advancement, evident in both the skill level and the use of low-pressure paint. The progression of letter styles has shifted from basic, straight letters with shadows and 3D effects to intricate wild styles that incorporate various additional elements around each letter.

These elements often include bits, arrows, and, if the artist is ambitious, accompanying characters. While repeatedly inscribing one's own name may become tedious, my approach has been to prioritize legibility and think creatively beyond conventional boundaries. Here are a few collaborations and solo pieces.

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